Join Us This Saturday July 31st

Help us GET OUT THE VOTE! Encourage your District 4 neighbors, friends, and supporters to vote before or on Election Day and bring them to our GOTV Rally on Saturday.

A Call to Action to Stop Detroit Flooding

For the second time in three weeks, rain and sewage flooded our basements.

The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) tells us the Connor Creek pumping station and combined sewer overflow couldn’t handle the historic rainfall. “History” keeps repeating itself WAY too often!

That’s why the time to act is NOW!


As promised, I participated in the Great Lakes Water Authority’s board meeting. I was the ONLY member of the public to come forward, but I delivered a message that I think speaks for all of us who lost so much in the flood.

I told the board exactly what I said publicly immediately following the flood: we cannot wait for them to make major improvements to the system. We need IMMEDIATE help for homeowners who want to install back flow preventers and sump pumps.

Chance To Earn Your Vote

Like many of you, my family lost so much in this last flood. None of us can afford to go through this again. It’s time to find a solution to this problem. As your city councilman, I’ll help get the answers we deserve.