“ML changed my mind today.” Building community through honest conversations about real issues.

Honest conversations about real issues is what Detroiters want.

I want to thank Keith Lambert for having a conversation I am dying to have with more of my neighbors. It started out with: “I am one of those people who don’t like you.” Keith might have used stronger language, but that’s not as important as what happened next. Keith shared his perception of my work and who I am. Suffice to say, after we chopped it up, we had a much better understanding and appreciation of each other. These conversations aren’t easy, but they are critical. If we can’t speak openly and honestly to each other, we can’t move forward together. I am GRATEFUL that Keith gave me the courtesy and respect of sharing his true feelings so I could share my true feelings. And MY story. Because it is a simple story: I am someone who has always given back to my community, who will tell the truth even if I pay a price for it, and that I will hold public officials accountable no matter where they live, what party they belong to, or what they look like. And I will never stop working for you.


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Paid for by Michael Louis Elrick for Detroit